About US
KADS Support Limited, established since July 2018, are a private provider that offers a safe, therapeutic, nurturing and empowering environment for young people aged 16+
KADS Support Management
The manager of KADS Support is Doreen Kajura. Doreen is a qualified Registered Social Worker, and has an extensive previous experience of both residential units, and community services working with young people living in semi Independent residentials.
Doreen is a registered and qualified Social Worker (QSW)
Policies and Procedures
KADS Support have comprehensive up to date policies and procedures set out for all staff to work alongside to safeguard all young people accommodated. KADS Support have a robust safer recruitment and whistle blowing policy and procedures in place.
Referrals & Admissions
Referrals will be made through the local authority which will include a copy of a recent risk assessment. The young person will be invited to KADS Support, accompanied by their allocated social worker/care manager, to view the accommodation. This will give an opportunity to have a meeting to discuss the young person’s identified support needs, any other issues in their current accommodation, and their risk assessment.
The young person will be given a welcome pack containing a User’s Guide for them to read and keep. It will explain the support and guidance that is given, house rules, how to make a complaint and useful information and numbers. KADS Support recognise that the transition with moving can be unsettling and stressful for the young person, our aim is to keep the transition as smooth as possible.